Is 'Sugar-Free' Really Better? Unpacking WHO's New Guidelines on Sweeteners

Podcast: Future of Health


Arunima Rajan

Episode Title:
Is 'Sugar-Free' Really Better? Unpacking WHO's New Guidelines on Sweeteners

Episode Notes:

In this episode, we're taking a deep dive into the World Health Organization's new guidelines on non-sugar sweeteners (NSS) and their potential impact on our health. According to the WHO, the use of NSS doesn't help with long-term weight control and could potentially lead to negative health impacts. We'll talk about what this means for our dietary habits and how we can adjust to make healthier choices.

Key discussion points include:

  • What are non-sugar sweeteners?
  • Understanding the WHO's new guidelines.
  • Potential health implications of NSS.
  • What this means for our dietary choices.
  • Discussion on alternative natural sugars.

Find more information about the new WHO guidelines on our website,

For more updates, discussions and insights into health trends and breakthroughs, follow Arunima on Twitter: @journoarunima.

Thanks for joining us on Future of Health. Stay tuned for our next episode, where we explore the science and developments shaping our health and wellbeing.

WHO Guidelines, Non-Sugar Sweeteners, Health Impact, Dietary Habits, Weight Control, Noncommunicable Diseases, Natural Sugars, Obesity, Sweetener Types, Nutritional Recommendations, Food Safety, Francesco Branca, Personal Care Products, Sugar Alternatives, Public Health, Health Policy, Long-term Health Effects, Type 2 Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases, Global Health Trends.
Is 'Sugar-Free' Really Better? Unpacking WHO's New Guidelines on Sweeteners
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